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VALS™ Scan February 2007

In this Issue

Atomized Ads

Advertisers are experimenting with new, short form factors for media content. Ads are shrinking down to ever-smaller segments-some as short as two seconds-creating atomized ads.

Marketers In and Out of Control

Recently evolved marketing models-such as guerilla and viral marketing-leave companies with decreasing control over several aspects of marketing initiatives. At the same time, initiatives that disintermediate leads-generation intermediaries may give companies more control of marketing efforts.

Women, Achievement, and Gender Equity

Higher academic achievements by women (and corresponding lower achievement by men) herald the growing economic and political power of women. Sweden and other Nordic countries with the highest percentage of women in national elected offices are among the most competitive countries in the world.

About VALS™ Scan

The VALS™ Program participates with other SRI Consulting Business Intelligence programs in an environmental scanning process. The scanning process brings together experts in a variety of fields to gather early signals of change within culture, commerce, and technology. The scanning process assesses possible patterns of change and provides companies with the lead time to take advantage of marketplace changes. The items in VALS™ Scan come from a larger set of signals of change because they may have special relevance to marketers.

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